Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Second week of school...let me go back to last Friday...I went to pick Jordan up and his teacher told me he had gotten quite scared that day. I must have looked puzzled...he had gone to use the restroom and they have automatic flushing...he came running out to let the teacher know there was a ghost in the bathroom...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it! ;0) He apparantely gave the teacher a hard time today. She said, "Jordan is a free spirit and wants to do things on his time and in his way." That would be my child...I believe that is saying he is a hot wire! Ayden cries when Jordan goes to school. He wants to ride the school bus too. He thinks it is awesome. That will come soon enough.

Until then he will just be getting some special attention that he hasn't ever gotten before. He is a little character to say the least.
Here are some updates on the updates. It is coming along. We will be doing more, but slowly since school started back. Did I mention I was taking Spanish. haha It is hard. Everyone should speak English is my way of thinking...at least if they live in the United States of America! Our ancestors had to learn English! Even our Native American ancestors...so what's up with that. Don't even get me started...Go RepubliCAN party!!!
As you may be able to tell we have a lot more to go...but we are enjoying the ride and it is fun getting there. We will cherish these days forever...

1 comment:

Denise Schneck said...

The kids are growing so fast! The house looks great!
You must be do something right!!! Keep up the good work.